Letter to the editor – Pay It Forward committee

To the editor:

As members of the Pay It Forward – Greene County committee, we would like to thank the communities of Greene County for allowing us the opportunity to share information about the school bond with constituents. We appreciate very much the both individuals who attended our town hall meetings as well as the behind the scenes personnel who made it possible to host meetings in various locations throughout the county. Thank you also to community media outlets who helped us to promote our events, share our letters, and wrote articles highlighting our cause.

Over the past few months, we have worked to put information in the hands of voters so that everyone who votes feels they are making an informed decision as they head to the polls. Now, as voting day draws near, we’d like to encourage each and every one of you to take the time to vote on Sept. 13. Make your voice heard and Pay It Forward for the students of Greene County!


Pay It Forward; Volunteer Committee

Steve & Julie Karber, Tanner Lawton, Mark & Wendy Vander Linden, Abby McConnell, Carol John, Amy Milligan, Bill Monroe, Zach & Ashley Beekman, Catherine Wilson, Kate Neese, Ann Ostendorf, Matt Wetrich and Stacy Stream

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